Founded to provide evidence-base, innovative and
leading-edge assessment and intervention
ACT Learning Centre is a therapy centre founded to provide evidence-based, innovative and leading-edge assessment and intervention for children and youth. Therapies are offered by our highly trained staff both in our clinics or in your home.
Research shows that early diagnosis and intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder are key components to achieving long-term positive effects on development. At ACT Learning Centre, we work closely with the family to customize a program of evidence-based therapies that best fits the needs of both the child and the family. Our premise at ACT Learning Centre is that parents are the experts on their children and we are committed to collaborating with parents and guardians throughout the course of assessment and therapy.
The team at ACT Learning Centre is comprised of dedicated therapists with unique backgrounds and specialties. Our therapists collaborate with the families and each other to create a hybrid model using speech language pathology, occupational therapy, mental health services and ABA therapy, depending on the needs and diagnosis of each client. All of ACT’s services are offered in both French and English.
Meet our team!
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to intervention for individuals with autism spectrum disorders or developmental delays. At ACT Learning Centre, programs are needs-based and individualized to fit every child’s unique profile. Our therapists work hand-in-hand with families to set the goals for intervention to create the most effective therapy plan. We are unique in that we provide a variety of evidence-based behavioural, developmental and hybrid therapies. All ACT Learning Centre programs are eligible expenses under the Ontario Autism Program and are offered in both English and French.
Each child or youth is assessed by the appropriate members of our multidisciplinary team to determine their strengths, support needs and individual differences. We engage parents and guardians and, where appropriate, the individual with special needs to determine their goals and priorities for intervention. With this information, we work with the child/youth and their family to design an individualized therapy program. Together we determine whether intervention will take place in our clinics, in the client’s home or in the community. We work with the family to create a plan that works within the family’s budget and resources.
ACT’s sister company CommuniCare Therapy was founded in 1992 by Speech Language Pathologists, Cindy Harrison and Yvonne Bateman. Since 1992 CommuniCare has become a leader in the provision of high quality rehabilitation services in Eastern Ontario. In 2019, CommuniCare’s founders created ACT Learning Centre with the mission of providing a unique, evidence-based approach for providing intervention for children with autism spectrum disorders and their families.