Danika Cameron, SLP Reg. CASLPO

Position: Speech-Language Pathologist
Categories: Entry to School, Speech-Language Therapy

Danika holds a Bachelor of Health Sciences in Speech-Language Pathology at Laurentian University (B.H.Sc.) as well as a Master of Health Sciences in Speech-Language Pathology at University of Ottawa (M.H.Sc.).

She speaks both English and French and has experience working with children of various ages (preschool, school-aged, teenagers) and gained experience working with autistic children during her clinical placement at ACT.

Danika is passionate about working with children and values developing a strong therapeutic relationship with clients and their families to support them in reaching their goals.

“I completed the last clinical placement of my master’s program at ACT which was a wonderful and enriching experience. The placement provided me with the opportunity to start my career as an SLP among a team that prioritizes a neurodiversity-affirming and child-led approach.

ACT’s multidisciplinary approach encourages us to work closely with other professionals which allows us to become well-rounded clinicians and facilitates using a holistic approach to best support our clients and their families.”